Thursday, February 28, 2013

remembering the lyme years

It's nearly ten and I am still working away.

I've been up since six am, taught, wrote, got a workout in, saw some friends, grocery shopped, made dinner AND I STILL HAVE ENERGY!

I was sitting here and just thought about how long the day actually is.

I think that those of you with chronic illness can understand, but in the worst of my Lyme years, my days were about three hours long, sometimes five or six hours long, and every minute was a struggle to be present, to be engaged, to just be. The rest of the time I was in bed or on the couch, sleeping. I used to always wonder at how people did so very much in a day and now I know.

My uncle recently sent me an article on Lyme Disease that profiled a woman who's life has basically been reduced to doctors appointments and the few hours here and there when she can be up and about. I read it, and even though I have lived that life, it all sounded so surreal and impossible.

I am glad to be on this side of things.

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