I haven't been moving very much in the past three weeks. Or rather, I've been stuck in a hunched over position: at the computer, over my handle bars, propped up against pillows. I've been sick, there was my sister's wedding, I've been sick. A cold and not enough sleep was all it took to give Lyme some room to play. I'm feeling much better now. Not completely back to where I was a month ago, but better.
The past week, I've felt stiff and stuck in my upper back and neck and locked up through my ribs. I knew the whole time that it was because I've done not really much of anything at all. This morning the sun woke me up at eight am and I knew that it was time to get out there. I laced on my shoes and hit the road, promising myself that I'd take it slow and steady, nice and easy.
This is what I love about running: my body reverts to ideal posture as I go. I only ran three miles, nice and slow, but the second half, my abs turned on and shifted my ribs back and my spine opened up. I felt long and fluid and easy. I felt so good, I couldn't even remember what pain and stiffness had felt like an hour before. I felt perfectly right in my alignment.
The body knows, the body wants to heal, wants to maintain perfect alignment (which, of course, is dynamic). I just have to remember to give it the space it needs to find it.
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