Saturday, January 5, 2013

the best book club ever!

We did it! We began our book club on movement and I am looking forward to taking my learning to a whole new level.

T. is a good friend of mine--she managed the first studio that I worked at in California and is still teaching pilates herself. We met up in the midst of the holidays and she brought up this idea of hers: to start a book club where we take the times to explore different movement modalities (like Alexander technique, Franklin Method, Feldenkris to name just a few), various healing techniques (Qi Nei Tsang, Ayurveda and Craniosacral, among others) and study anatomy in-depth. How much fun and how valuable!

I have done so much continuing ed since I started teaching pilates and personal training. I have taken four day human dissection labs at a chiropractic college, immersed myself in qigong for a year, spent weekends reviewing anatomy and physiology in an effort to understand chronic injuries and how to structure training sessions, attended pilates and mind-body conferences and, of course, taken countless pilates, yoga, capoeira, dance and gyro classes. From every class, I have learned so much about how to teach, about my own limits and places to push myself and about the body, health and healing but there is only so much that can be taught and learned in a week or weekend. And the idea of exploring on our own and getting deep into these topics is really exciting.

So we did it. T. and I met up today and went over our interests and what we want to learn to fold into the work that we do. Naturally, I am really interested in anything that will support my Craniosacral work right now and we decided to start with anatomy with a focus on the fascia. We'll be reading Anatomy Trains by Thomas Myers first.

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