Monday, February 11, 2013

What is CranioSacral?

Since starting CranioSacral, I've received so many questions about what it is and how it works so here is a post on my experience as recipient and practitioner and an explanation.

I think that CranioSacral sessions are exquisite--the work is subtle and gentle but the relief and healing is profound and lasting. After session, I feel so much better: less pain, more vitality and it feels like the benefits I get from sessions compounds when I get consistent sessions. 

CranioSacral is very light touch manual therapy. The touch is generally no more than 5 grams of pressure, or the weight of a nickle. In a world where we are used to thinking of deep massage as effective, it can be difficult to wrap our heads around the lasting effects of gentle work. CranioSacral therapy targets the release of connective tissue and works because of the viscoelastic quality of connective tissue, meaning that it is fluid-like and maleable with gentle, sustained pressure but becomes solid under quick, hard pressure. You can think of silly putty, how you can tease it apart into long strands if you work with it gently but that its only choice is to break if you jerk it apart. Connective tissue is similar so responds to the gentle touch of a practitioner.

Like massage therapists, CranioSacral therapists look to release restrictions in the body freeing up motion and moving the body out of pain. Instead of feeling for hard knots of tension and then working away at those, CS practitioners feel for the CranioSacral pulse, a pulse which occurs throughout the body. By feeling for the pulse at various places in the body, CS therapists will also feel irregularities or inconsistencies in the rhythm or intensity of the pulse in particular areas. These inconsistencies indicate restriction and the practitioner will treat that area to release the restriction.

When I receive a session and a restriction releases, it usually feels like pain melting away. As practitioner, when an area has been released, it feels like that area has been synced with the rest of the body and I feel a sense of harmony and flow.

For me, CranioSacral work has been huge in my healing path. Lyme Disease utterly destroyed me--I was depleted, lost all memory and language and was in constant pain. I had a migraine for four years. Getting regular sessions first helped me to get restorative sleep--I used to wake exhausted after sleeping for ten hours which is typically of the chronically ill and stressed out. The body never shifts out of flight-or-flight (or a state in which the sympathetic nervous system is at work) and into rest-digest (or when the parasympathetic nervous system takes over). My first sessions with CranioSacral, I went into a deep meditative state and came out of the sessions feeling rested. Following these sessions, I started getting restful sleep. CranioSacral work will also open up the skull--when I hold a head in my hands at the end of a session, it feels like the head is breathing--and my migraines immediately lessened with the work. Now, I hardly get migraines and when I do, it's always when I haven't been sleeping and I've been working on a computer for hours a day.

These days, I feel like Lyme disease is mostly something that I have left behind but in the way that, after a flu, there will be a few days when you're no longer sick, but still tired because your body is restoring, after being sick for nearly two decades, I am still restoring. When I get sessions now, I always feel like I've been filled up with some vital energy and count on regular sessions to keep me on the road to full recovery.

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