Saturday, February 26, 2011


I won! I came in first of all the women: 58:40 for a 10k with 1100 elevation gain.
not bad for my second race and week 8 of training.

and! It was so, so much fun. I met a fellow runner at a party a few weeks ago and we headed over to Redwood Park in Oakland together. It was freezing, but so sunny and beautiful.

I ran so easily, just exactly like I was built to run. I walked on some of the uphills and stuttered downhill (I need to learn to run downhill. I think that it has to do with stronger hamstrings and glute medes and a willingness to lean into it, but I'm not sure). I didn't even know I was in lead until the 10k path crossed the 50k (yea, I know. amazing. and crazy, altogether at the same time) path and a bunch of people started cheering. and then I passed a family and one of the girls called out, "first woman, first woman!" and I slowed down and looked back and asked if she was kidding. Nope.

I had enough left that I sprinted the last 200m in and, surprise!, was chased down by some office to get a cap and a medal.

its kinda hilarious and kinda amazing, I think, that I just did that. I was BUZZing afterwards, so wound up with energy and excitement. I went to a party last night and all I could do was talk people into running with me. And then around eleven pm, I crashed. I had no more energy left and just stopped talking. good thing the people I went with were ready to leave too.

wow, I can't wait for the next one!

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